Non-food retail

Planogram execution, visual merchandising, cleanliness…

Visual merchandising

Support of VM implementation by providing guidelines for changing collections. Tasks are distributed automatically to each store according to their layout. Store employees report new VM elements' execution with photos, videos and completed forms. Managers deliver feedback and check compliance with standards in real-time.
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Cleanliness and tidiness

Employees have a clear list of daily or weekly assignments like cleaning or opening and closing procedures. Additionally managers can create ad-hoc tasks for employees based on the current situation in the store (e.g. insect incident, broken product).

Planograms execution

Task assigned on regular basis and in critical moments. An employee takes a photo of the shelf, machine learning algorithms compare it with the planogram and give the feedback directly to the store employee in just a few seconds.

Ad-hoc and scheduled tasks

Sudden events require a non-routine response but employees do not always remember all the procedures. TakeTask provides access to detailed guidelines and structured communication with more experienced employees. It also allows you to schedule recurring tasks.

Real-time reporting

Real-time reporting confirmed with GPS location, timestamps, photos, videos, sound recordings, integrated image recognition, customer signature and built-in OCR.

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