Utilities and industry

Maintenance and microproject management…


Facilitation of maintenance procedures of equipment, fixed assets and vehicles. Providing self-service repair procedures after spotting equipment failure and malfunction notification form for external or internal service teams.
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Micro-project management

Micro-project management

Creating a template with milestones and a set of tasks for each project (e.g. EV charging station network building). Execution of individual tasks is confirmed in the system. Used materials, spare parts, working time and as-built documentation (e.g. photos, customer signature) are recorded in one tool. The app provides an overview of the progress of all projects.

Ad-hoc and scheduled tasks

Sudden events require a non-routine response but employees do not always remember all the procedures. TakeTask provides access to detailed guidelines and structured communication with more experienced employees. It also allows you to schedule recurring tasks.

Real-time reporting

Real-time reporting confirmed with GPS location, timestamps, photos, videos, sound recordings, integrated image recognition, customer signature and built-in OCR.

Get it now and start to optimise your operations now