In-store operations

Daily operations & remote management, audits...

Daily operations & remote management

Facilitation of daily operations e.g. in-store task creation and remote delegation supported with feedback to keep all the operations up to standards .
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Replacing paper forms with handy digital checklists that can be extended to complex surveys with internal logic and conditional questions. Our app can facilitate conducting audits or daily routines such as opening and closing procedures in retail.

Internal audits

Support and control of conducting objective internal audits by the Head Office's employees in order to optimise the organisation's operational activities.
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Real life example: Cleanliness


Remembering opening and closing duties and honest reporting of compliance. Performing cleaning duties on fixed time slots.

After implementing TakeTask:

Replacing paper forms with the application helps to organise and prioritise work as well as prevent duplication of tasks on the store level.

Managers can create in the mobile app ad-hoc tasks to store employees based on the current situation at the stores (e.g. mess during the sales, stock replenishment after opening hours).

Headquarters gained real-time control over the performance of each task, which raises the standards of cleanliness in the entire chain of stores.


Our application is used by many satisfied clients.

Get it now and start to optimise your operations now