MTP (Massive Transformative Purpose)
Adding value to human labour through digitisation.
We believe in the power of technology to transform the modern workplace and make it both more employer-friendly and effective.
Organisational culture
In our organization, we aim for the Win-Win-Win principle. This is what we do and what we believe in.
WIN - Goal Orientation
Goal focused but opened for different routes -
Smart risk brings innovation and growth - learn from mistakes, gain from change, the riskiest thing is not to take risks
Be open-minded and proactive - observe the needs and competition and act but do not lose the focused
Take a proper perspective - do not optimise for short-term gains
WIN - Strong Team
The best idea wins - be proactive and come up with ideas - everyone can have an impact on the company’s growth
Give feedback and ask for it - appreciate colleagues or give constructive criticism when needed - regardless of role age or experience
Be part of the team - help and support each other in our daily work and in improving ourselves
Build a positive atmosphere - respect (for diversity), empathy and trust are the priority, good mood and humour are also welcome
WIN - Happy Employee
Great people do great things - the company’s core value is satisfied, quality people
Keeping the work-life balance - remember about flexible working hours and that overtime is not required
Encouraging perfection and growth - the company is growing so do the job expectations
Regular team building - take the time to stop and get to know your colleagues